Fishing Bait
D. & G. Bait, Inc. is a producer of fishing bait products with distribution throughout the Northwest. For over 30 years our goal has been to provide fishermen with excellent quality bait to catch fish with and convenient locations to purchase these products.
Recently Joe’s Sports, Outdoor and More, formerly G. I. Joe’s has closed. They carried our full product line making our fishing bait easily available. You can now place your orders for our bait on the on-line D & G Bait Shop Store.
Please click here to purchase online at
We would like to re-direct all of our loyal Joe’s customers to the following stores that carry our complete line of fishing bait products:
BI Mart
Fishermans Marine and Outdoor
Fred Meyer
D. & G. Bait, Inc.
Established in 1980, D. & G. Bait, Inc. has become one of the largest wholesale fishing bait distributors in the Pacific Northwest. Over the years we have perfected many fishing baits, which include packaging of live perishables, frozen, processed, cured, colored enhanced and custom packaged attractively for the fishermen’s eye.
All are trademarked and registered under the name of Guide’s Choice®.
These bait products really are the hottest baits in the Northwest.
We know they will catch fish anywhere. Get ready to be the envy of other fishermen.
With generations of family fishing, field testing, and more than 30 years of scientific studies we have developed a line of bait products and curing ingredients that fish can’t resist.
All of the finest custom packaged products a fish could ever dream of. Cured, pickled, fresh, and frozen with the renowned Guide’s Choice® label. Nightcrawlers, mealworms, salmon eggs, sand shrimp, herring, anchovies, sardines, squid, crawfish, smelt, prawns, and much more. Our bait includes the packaging of live perishables, processed, frozen, cured, preserved, color enhanced, and custom packaged attractively for the fishermen’s eye.
We begin by using the actual food source that fish consume. We process, cure, preserve, color enhance, and custom package our products. These methods ensure maximum freshness with an extended shelf life.
These methods ensure maximum freshness and extended shelf life.
Our products sell because they really work!
Over the years experience has proven just that.

“There are just no finer fish bait products
out there for catching fish”
Over the years we have developed and perfected what fishermen of the Northwest have found to be the finest bait products in the world.
With generations of family fishing, field testing, and more than 30 years of scientific studies we have developed a line of bait products and curing ingredients that fish can’t resist.
All of the finest custom packaged products a fish could ever dream of. Cured, pickled, fresh, and frozen with the renowned Guide’s Choice® label. Nightcrawlers, mealworms, salmon eggs, sand shrimp, herring, anchovies, sardines, squid, crawfish, smelt, prawns, and much more. Our bait includes the packaging of live perishables, processed, frozen, cured, preserved, color enhanced, and custom packaged attractively for the fishermen’s eye. We begin by using the actual food source that fish consume. We process, cure, preserve, color enhance, and custom package our products. These methods ensure maximum freshness with an extended shelf life.
Our product sells because it really works!
Over 30 years of experience has proven just that.
The products that America fishes today.
Please try our various bait products that you feel will work the best in your area to catch the type of fish your fishing for.
Over a hundred fishing guides in this region rely on our products for their livelihood. To accomplish this they must produce fish “on the hook” to have their customers keep coming back. This says a lot about the quality of D & G Bait products.
We sell our fish bait products to retailers and wholesalers.
You can now place your orders for our fishing bait directly from the us on our convenient on-line D & G Bait Shop
Hatchery And Wild
The Future Of Pacific Northwest Salmon And Steelhead
The Stories That Need To Be Told
Sport, Tribal, and Commercial fishermen don’t always agree and are often times at odds with each other, but we agree that hatchery and wild salmon are very important to our way of life.
Check out the new video “Hatchery AND Wild” to hear stories that showcase the cultural, ecological, economic, and social importance of Pacific Northwest fish, both hatchery and wild.
You will never view hatcheries the same way again! Get involved and make a difference by signing the petition today.
Hatchery And Wild
The Future Of Pacific Northwest Salmon And Steelhead
The Stories That Need To Be Told
Sport, Tribal, and Commercial fishermen don’t always agree and are often times at odds with each other, but we agree that hatchery and wild salmon are very important to our way of life.
Check out the new video “Hatchery AND Wild” to hear stories that showcase the cultural, ecological, economic, and social importance of Pacific Northwest fish, both hatchery and wild.
You will never view hatcheries the same way again! Get involved and make a difference by signing the petition today.
Great company! Very customer and Employee friendly! Have great products and keep there prices very competitive!
Products Of Oregon
All of our products are harvested, processed, and packaged in Oregon.
We sell our fish bait products directly to retailers and wholesalers.
You can now place your orders for our fishing baits directly from the us on our convenient on-line D & G Bait Shop Store. Please click here to purchase online at
Click here to download our brochure.

Meets Oregon Guidelines – Seal of Approval
D & G Bait has a reputation for being a leader in this industry by developing environmentally friendly fishing bait products. We have initiated strict standards for bait that will not jeopardize the well being of juvenile fish in our waterways. “Meets Oregon Guidelines” is now required by the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife (ODFW) for cured Salmon Egg products sold in Oregon.
But, just what does that mean ?
And why do we need to comply ?
Cured Salmon Eggs have been a popular Salmon and Steelhead bait for decades. During a recent study by ODFW they discovered that a common ingredient in many cures can be toxic to juvenile Salmon and Steelhead. D&G Bait, Inc. is proud to certify that our Guides Choice brand products are environmentally friendly and meet or exceed the Oregon guidelines. “Meets Oregon Guidelines” seal of approval labeling on our refrigerators and displays inform anglers that our fishing bait products surpass these new standards.
We appreciate this opportunity to collaborate with ODFW and to be partners in the protection of our fishery resources along with educating the customers we serve.